
Hi! I’m Alyssa. I’m currently 34 years old, living in the ‘burbs of Los Angeles, working as a writer for a wonderful toy company. Newly divorced with two darling daughters and two rambunctious cats, the purrfect Paisley and the magnificent Matilda.

Loves: Nature, Cooking, Food, Writing, Social Media, Good Journalism, Blogging, Photography, Makeup, Tea, Popcorn, Orange is the New Black, Rasputina, Six Feet Under, Sparkly Things, Good Books, Cats, Lazy Weekends, Plants, My Family and Friends, Shopping, Travel, Animals, and Sleep.


One comment

  1. Hi Alyssa! My name is Beverly and I use to be a Cloe and Isabel retailer but I retired for a while. I’d like to get back into it. How do I find there information or do you know how I can become a retailer also?
    Thanks and blessings!

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